Giving Back

Your purchases do more!

When I started this business, I knew I wanted it to not only make a difference for my family, but others as well. That's why I donate a portion of sales each quarter to different organizations. 

Each quarter, I give a percentage of our sales to a different organization.

This quarter's donations will be going to our family's church (name withheld for safety reasons).

I have a long list of organizations I want to support. Some are within my local community, some are national, and some do work internationally.

Here are a few of the other organizations I have and/or plan to support:

  • Operation Underground Railroad.  
    Operation Underground Railroad works tirelessly to save children from sex trafficking all around the world.
    - Donate and/or learn more:
  • Our children's school (name withheld for safety reasons)

  • HOPE International
    Provides micro loans and training to future entrepreneurs (mainly women) in areas of poverty around the world, so that they can provide for their families.
    - Donate and/or learn more:

  • The Behind the Badge Foundation
    Provides assistance to the families of fallen officers
    - Donate and/or learn more:
  • Misunderstood Mutts
    The rescue we adopted our family's crazy fur ball from!
    - Donate and/or learn more:

  • Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County
    Provides emergency shelter for victims and their children. They also provide legal advocacy, housing, food, clothing, support groups, and prevention education.
    - Donate and/or learn more: