Giving Back
Your purchases do more!
When I started this business, I knew I wanted it to not only make a difference for my family, but others as well. That's why I donate a portion of sales each quarter to different organizations.
Each quarter, I give a percentage of our sales to a different organization.
This quarter's donations will be going to our family's church (name withheld for safety reasons).
I have a long list of organizations I want to support. Some are within my local community, some are national, and some do work internationally.
Here are a few of the other organizations I have and/or plan to support:
Operation Underground Railroad.
Operation Underground Railroad works tirelessly to save children from sex trafficking all around the world.
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Our children's school (name withheld for safety reasons)
HOPE International
Provides micro loans and training to future entrepreneurs (mainly women) in areas of poverty around the world, so that they can provide for their families.
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The Behind the Badge Foundation
Provides assistance to the families of fallen officers
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Misunderstood Mutts
The rescue we adopted our family's crazy fur ball from!
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Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County
Provides emergency shelter for victims and their children. They also provide legal advocacy, housing, food, clothing, support groups, and prevention education.
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